A wiki for students studying WJEC GCSE Mathematics
In GCSE there are two tiers:
Foundation - Where students can achieve grades C–G,
Higher Tier - Where students can achieve grades A* - D
On this webpage we display some Past papers just make sure you pick the correct tier for you!
Thinking of A level? then visit www.mathsathawthorn.pbwiki.com for a taste of things to come!
Purpose of a wiki
The purpose of a wiki is collaboration between a student and a teacher. We would like to see people working together working to make this page as informative as possible.
You can help by creating pages on certain topics, or putting helpful websites on the side bar , or uploading past papers from the WJEC website.
Remember this wiki will not grow if you won't collaborate!
Comments (2)
Steph Richards said
at 11:46 am on Mar 25, 2013
Nice work!
Jarrad Jones said
at 2:29 pm on Mar 25, 2013
Thanks, I think we need to set this out differently its all jumbled how could we do that?
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